EMDR Consulting
For providers learning or leveling up their EMDR superpower…
Note: I am not currently taking new consultees.
I am EMDR certified and an EMDRIA approved consultant.
I offer:
– Coaching for basic training thru EMDR Consulting
– Consultation for EMDRIA certification
– General/Advanced consultation beyond basic training
I am a basic training coach for EMDR Consulting only. Every training organization has their own approved coaches, so please be sure you are using an approved coach. Also, if you are seeking basic training, please be sure to choose an EMDRIA approved provider. Obviously I recommend EMDR Consulting 🙂
Use my Signup Genius link to sign up for coaching calls. You should have received that link in an email but you can also find it at EMDR Consulting (you will need to use the password in your training manual to get to the list of coaches), you may also send me a text requesting the link. Don’t forget to add the time to your calendar after signing up so you do not forget to join the call. You are required to have 10 hours of coaching to complete your basic training. Keep track of those hours as they are pre-paid. Beyond that 10 hours will be out of pocket.
EMDR Case Presentation Form - Use this form to help us be more efficient during meetings, especially important if there are 4 people sharing the hour.
If you would like to become EMDRIA Certified or are just looking for additional support beyond basic training, I offer video consultation the second Tuesday of the month. For certification, be sure to become familiar with the requirements on EMDRIA’s website. Feel free to reach out via text or email if you would like to work with me.
EMDR Basic Principals, Protocols, and Procedures by Francine Shapiro
Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro (this one is especially good for clients to understand EMDR and find target experiences)
EMDR Solutions Volumes 1 and 2 by Robin Shapiro
Dissociation and Attachment
EMDR Toolbox: Theory and Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociation by Jim Knipe
Attachment Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma by Laurel Parnel
EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach by Anabel Gonzalez and Delores Mosquera
When There Are No Words by Sandra Paulsen
Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma and Dissociation by Sandra Paulsen
Non-EMDR focused recommendations:
Parenting From The Inside Out- not just for parents but for greater understanding of how your client’s childhood experiences are present in their current lives and your office.
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation and Treating Trauma Related Dissociation- by Steele, Boon, and Van Der Hart
Working With Voices and Dissociative Parts by Delores Mosquera
Internal Family Systems Therapy by Richard Schwartz
“Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.”
— John Holt