Transform Trauma. Release the weight. Breathe easier.
With EMDR Therapy & a holistic therapist with 20+ years of experience who’s been on the other side of the sofa.

We’ve all experienced trauma in some form:
Childhood/developmental (thanks mom and dad - most of them did their best), physical, emotional, sexual, loss, vicarious, systemic, cultural. No one is immune.
It’s effects are deep and wide and include:
Physically: Sleep disturbance, chronic pain, fatigue, hyper-vigilance, higher risk of sickness and disease.
Emotionally: Anxiety, depression, numbness, disconnection, irritability, flashbacks, nightmares, feelings of helplessness/loss of control.
Cognitively: Trouble concentrating, negative self-beliefs, self-doubt, chronic worry.
Behaviorally: Reactivity, avoidance, social withdrawal, relationship problems, work/school performance.
Spiritually: Questioning beliefs, feeling disconnected from a sense of purpose & meaning.
EMDR was the start of a new way of being for me and I believe it can be for you too.
“Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. ”
When you heal trauma, things change.
Your Body…
Relaxes. Maybe not all at once, but with that first big shift you may feel like 500 pounds fell away. As your nervous system downshifts, your body has more capacity to heal itself.
Your Mind…
Starts to settle and your thinking becomes more flexible. You see things from a new perspective when the trauma filter is removed.
Your Relationships…
Start to improve as you find yourself less reactive - your “triggers” decrease and eventually disappear. You know better when it’s safe to open your heart and when a boundary is in order.
BONUS INFO: I’m not only a trauma therapist. Empty nest, divorce, spirituality. I super love helping people through big life transitions & changes.
Though I can’t officially recommend the illegal use of psychedelics, they can be a valuable player in growth and healing. Since many of my clients are using them on their own, I am happy to help with the valuable integration process.
I believe that in this big, messy world, there is always more life to be lived and that curiosity and the willingness to experiment are a key to a life well lived. More about me. And more about how I do therapy.

We’ve all experienced it, though often people don’t recognize they’ve experienced it. We’ve all been shaped by it. We’ve all been affected by other’s who’ve been shaped by it. If only we could heal the world of trauma.
EMDR Therapy
Like you, I have a story. I worked hard for years to heal my story and I made good progress. But it wasn’t until I experienced EMDR that I was truly transformed from the inside out. That’s why I do what I do.
EMDR Intensives
As a standalone experience or an adjunct to your weekly therapy, EMDR Intensives can fast track your growth and healing goals.
Grief & IADC
Letting go or Continuing Bonds? The latest research is clear about the value of awareness of continuing connection to our lost loved ones. IADC can help facilitate that felt connection.
Emotion Code / Body Code
A whole new level of freedom. I have been as delighted by this healing modality as I was by EMDR.
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you want to become.”
-James Clear